He got the tape from his older brother who was in the same grade as Mike. I couldn’t believe that somebody who went to the same tight-ass private school as me had made this. I think it was the first time that I though ‘maybe I can actually make a record.’ Anyway, I became obsessed with this track. This was probably back in 1991 or so. One day on a trip to Skippy White’s records in Central Square I came across the 12 inch. Skippy’s had helped to fund the pressing I think, due to their credit on the label. Unfortunately, Skippy’s closed last year. At some point this (and their earlier 12”) became cult records with the whole ‘Random Rap’ scene. It spawned an unlicensed repress and new fans of the track. I feel lucky to have gone through high school rocking this. Really a classic record. This one’s for Boston and Cambridge.
I LOVE THE AWESOME HALL OF FAME! Its the cooperstown of kick ass music... more discomagic releases ZARTEK!
Hello kind traveler,
Wanted to let you know that I just listened to the first month of AHOF tracks in order and I concluded that your 'people' should totally overrun our pitiful planet.
Seriously, this is the most fun place on the internet as of late. Excellent work sir and thanks a bajillion for sharing the info. Hope to see more from Computer Life in the future!
This blog is why the interweb was created
Zartek thanks you for the nice comments!
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